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Alexandra Kaziyeva

Interview Day at NSUCDM (in-person)

On July 27, 2022, I got an email from NSU notifying me that I have been selected to interview as a candidate for the Entering Class of 2023! I scheduled my interview for September 7, 2022 at 11 am. I arrived to the Office of Admissions at 10:20am, I was the first of the interview group to arrive. The building was freezing! I wish I brought with me an extra blazer.

As more and more students came, I took their phone numbers and created a WhatsApp group for us to keep in touch with our application journey. We met with one of the deans of administration at around 11:30am. At noon, we had lunch and a Q&A session with two current D3 students. During the tour of the facilities, as we passed by current dental students, they would wish us good luck and gave us high-fives. Right away, NSU's environment felt welcoming and supportive, which made me what to be part of this beautiful community even more.

At 1pm, individual interviews began. Our chatty and fun group of candidates became silent. Everyone's nervousness took hold of our minds. At 1:25pm, my name was called for the interview.

The one-on-one interview was a "conversational style". They liked me on paper, so now they want to get to know me more. I was asked "why dentistry" a couple times in a row. Note to self, next time start with the personal story first. The biggest tip for interviews, for any question, start with the most important point first and secondaries for later. The interview lasted about 20min, so there was not much time to waste on secondaries. Be prepared to answer the question "what differentiates you from other qualified candidates, why should we give you the seat in our program?"

After the interview was over, I sat back down with the group of students left and reassured them that they're going to have a pleasant experience. I needed a few minutes to collect my thoughts and excitement from finishing one of the most important interviews of my life. On the ride home, the Uber driver had an amazing extraverted energy that I needed after such a day. Her favorite singer was Romeo Santos, especially his song Perro, which she had on repeat. Thus, whenever I hear Perro by Romeo Santos, it takes me back to September 7, 2022. I will never forget this Uber ride; she lifted my spirits with her enthusiasm and music.

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